Archive | January 2, 2011

Happy New Year from MedHopeful! New years resolutions, anyone?

Today is the last day of my winter break. Tomorrow I start my last semester of preclerkship. After that, I will be working as a clerk full time in the hospital for two years.

I’ve really enjoyed the winter break. I basically got no work done, but that’s fine. It’s Christmas, right? I really needed this break, and I feel very at peace (minus the stress lingering from all the work I didn’t do).

Shelly asked me what my new years resolutions were (happy new year by the way everyone!). At first I said, “Oh I didn’t make any. I set goals all the time, so I didn’t really bother to make any new years resolutions”.

But after thinking about it, I decided to take back my statement. It’s true that we can set goals anytime we want. But there’s something special about making resolutions for the new year. As Shelly put it, it’s like having a “clean slate”. You can mentally forget all of your shortcomings the previous year and tell yourself it’s a brand new year and anything is possible.

So I decided to make a new years resolution after all: to crush all of my goals in 2011.

Pretty vague, right? Basically, I have all these ongoing goals I have set for myself, and I have even make plans for them. However, I have done a pretty mediocre job at executing.

I feel like in general I have a very good grasp of what I want and how I can get it, but historically I have just been extremely lazy and not putting in the time to do it. It’s frustrating to look back on myself and see that I wasn’t able to achieve everything I knew I was capable. It doesn’t matter how good your plan is if you don’t execute. I need to work harder and execute (that includes being more active on Medhopeful and writing more). So that’s what I hope to do better in 2011.

What about you? Any resolutions for the new year?

Best of luck to everyone this semester!