Archive | May 12, 2010

Iron Man 2, Pinky, School, and Healthcare Innovation

Last Friday I went out with my close high school friends to watch Iron Man 2. I’ve never actually seen Iron Man 1 – I heard it was pretty good though, so I was excited to see this nonetheless (on a side note, I’ve seen Dark Knight but not Batman Begins – movie catch up this summer?). Don’t want to give much away, except that I thought that I loved the Tony Stark character (Iron Man’s real name for those who don’t know. I guess I just find the cocky, funny, sarcastic character-type entertaining) and the first half or so of the movie was very entertaining. Unfortunately, I thought that the ending was pretty bad.

To me it felt like the film team made 2 hours of the movie, and then realized “oh no, we only have 10 minutes left, so we better find some way to end it!”. At first it boggled my mind that people who are really good at making movies and do it for a living could make an ending so bad (yah yah I guess this is debatable…). But then I started to wonder whether they actually cared (if most movie goers will be pleased and the film rakes in the bucks, which is does, how much do they really care…).

My Left Pinky

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