Archive | December 10, 2009

Roller Coaster of a Day

Okay not really much of a roller coaster, but definitely some ups and downs – sort of.

This morning I did my last anatomy dissection ever. We looked at the posterior part of the forearm and dorsal part of the hand (i.e. the back of the arm from the forearm to the fingers). Being able to see all of the muscles and their tendons, and essentially knowing how the arm and hand works mechanically was pretty cool.

It was cool until I cut myself with the scalpel being a bit reckless, but it was just a small cut at the tip of my finger. I’ll be okay, but can’t say it was fun.

After the anatomy lab, I went to pick up my Histology test from the office. I give the woman there my name, and as she hands me my test, she glances at my mark and goes: “Oh God…”

Errr – thanks? Haha. So yeah the morning was a bit meh you could say.

In the afternoon I went to Toronto Western Hospital to meet a doctor and researcher whose work I’m interested in. We chatted for a bit, and I’m optimistic about the possibility of doing some research with him next year. Hopefully that works out.

Tomorrow I have my end of semester clinical skills exam. We will spend 35 minutes taking a patient’s history, and then another 10 minutes measuring heart rate, respiratory rate, and blood pressure – all while be observed and evaluated by a physician. I’m told no one ever fails this exam, so I’m feeling pretty good about it except that I am first up at 8 am…

Alright, enough procrastinating. I need to study head and neck anatomy because I promised a friend that we’d review that stuff in the lab tomorrow (for our upcoming anatomy exam next Thursday) and I am pretty much a moron on anything anatomy-related at this point (as usual).

Wish me luck!