Archive | May 4, 2009

Success: Geography Midterm Finally Completed!

It only took more than a month, but this whole Geography midterm ordeal has finally come to a close.

Perhaps it was the threat of having to do an oral exam with the professor, maybe it was the fact that security guards were stationed inside the building, or maybe whoever was pulling the fire alarm before decided to finally study.

Whatever the case, I am happy to say that I finally completed my geography midterm with no fire alarm interruptions! =)

Phew, that only took like, over a month…

Amazingly, the topic of Empires didn’t come up on the midterm this time… maybe they thought the fire alarm puller would give in as long as they took out the empire question, who knows?

So What’s Left for the Semester?

For the next three weeks, until exams start, I finally have a bit of a break. The only real bit of work I have to do is my final essay for my Philosophy of Biology course, but beyond that, it’s pretty smooth sailing until exams start on May 22. Even though that’s a pretty big paper (worth 40% of my final grade!), it does feel like heaven compared to the last few weeks.

11 More Days…

It’s also May 4 today, meaning it’s just 11 more days until I get back the first round results of my medical school applications.

I’m honestly not really feeling that much. While I do get nervous, stressed our or anxious like anyone else, I don’t really feel it until it’s really close to the actual date. I imagine I will feel significantly more nervous late next week, but as of now, I am not thinking about it much.

I think this actually explains why I procrastinate so much. For some people, they get their work done early and ahead of time because they feel the stress that much sooner. Myself, on the other hand, I don’t really feel the pressure until, say, the day before. Without feeling the pressure earlier, I end up procrastinating essays, studying, etc. I’m not using this for justification as much as for the sake of trying to find an explanation for my procrastination.

Some of you guys may have noticed that I have a link on the left menu to a blog called Medaholic.

The author of the blog is a good friend of mine, who is currently in his 1st year of medical school. We took the MCAT the same summer, and having him around to discuss MCAT related things was really helpful.

Not only does his blog provide great insight into life as a 1st year medical student, but as he is involved with his medical school’s admissions process this year, he has the unique perspective of understanding how admissions committees think. The result of this are some phenomenal articles with advice on medical school applications, and dealing with the process as a whole.

We’ve decided to do a bit of writing for each other, and he has already sent me a great article which I will post tomorrow or the day after.

He’s a super humble guy, and easily one of the smartest people I know. If you haven’t checked out Medaholic yet, I urge you to do so!