Archive | March 14, 2009

A Little Update

Ever since my second semester at York started, I’ve found it really hard to find time writing here. I also don’t really want to ramble about how my bus ride to school was or anything, because I don’t think people would particularly care =)

I do want to say that I probably sounded more composed than I actually during my last post. For some reason, I felt pretty bad after my University of Toronto interview. It wasn’t like a did completely awful (at least I don’t think I did). But for whatever reason, I kept dwelling on the 2 or 3 questions I didn’t think I performed my best on. And when you keep thinking about just the bad stuff, it makes you feel as if the whole thing was bad. I think I was also partially upset that I couldn’t sleep the night before, as that definitely significantly affected my focus that day.

One of the things about myself has been my ability to (for the most part) do really well under pressure and step up when it counts. That didn’t really happen on Sunday, and so that’s partially why it kept eating at me. After almost a week has passed, however, I am feeling a lot better and just going to remain optimistic about my chances.

I try to come off as composed and confident whenever I write, because that’s not only what I hope you guys aspire to, but it’s something I aspire to myself – I want to be able to not worry about random stuff and lose sleep at night. Maybe some people think I am this super human for whom things always go well and I never fail – unfortunately, I am just as imperfect, obsessive, and paranoid as anyone else.

I wish I could write more, but I’m in a pretty tired mood after staying up most of Thursday night to study for a test yesterday (not surprising obviously!).

Hopefully I am awake enough to write something a bit more lengthy this week – I miss writing, but I keep feeling way too exhausted to put together anything meaningful.