Archive | October 1, 2008

I clicked submit last night: turns out I am an idiot

So I haven’t written much in the last week, primarily because I had been busy finishing my Ontario medical school applications. For those of you who don’t know, it is a pretty lengthy process, requiring an autobiographical sketch listing up to 48 items to describe yourself, a 1,000 word essay for the University of Toronto, and answering five short questions for McMaster University, among other things. It is done through OMSAS: the Ontario Medical School Application Service.

It’s amazing how much your feelings and emotions can change in such a short period of time. Life really is a roller coaster; not only throughout your entire life, but sometimes even within the period of a single day.

I woke up yesterday 11:00 a.m., determined to finish my application and submit it by the afternoon (Note: The application was due today 4:30 pm, so I was not a complete procrastinate for once!). I worked for about 6-7 hours straight, touching up my essays, revising, double-checking everything, etc.etc. After a huge surge of adrenaline, I was finally very happy with what I had produced in terms of my essay answers, as that is probably the hardest part of the application. Considering I hadn’t written things like this since Grade 12, it felt pretty good to get rid of the rustiness and actually let loose.


So I clicked submit at about 7pm, feeling super happy and relieved that I was not only able to put together an application I was very proud of, I did it with a whole day to spare! So to celebrate, my family took me out for a nice dinner. Yum steak.

Anyways, so I get home maybe two hours or so later, and start randomly reading some premed student forums online (keener much?). And I read this post by a student who was panicking about forgetting to fill out some prerequisite course information for the University of Ottawa. And then I started panicking too. Why? Because I had no idea what he/she was talking about!

Oh Crap…

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