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I will be getting my Bsc and graduating!

I have a fantastic science academic advisor / counselor who has helped me a ton since I started the biomedical sciences program at York. Pretty much every time I was paranoid and had a question about something, she was always there for help, support, and advice. You honestly can’t do anything on your own, and if you really think you can, I think you’re underestimating the support you’re probably getting from the people around you.

When I told her I got accepted into medical school, she suggested that I might be able to still get a 3-year bachelors degree. I am currently in a 4-year biology program, and while I don’t have enough biology credits for a 3-year biology degree, I had heard before that getting a 3-year general science degree might be possible if I got in this year, though I really didn’t expect anything. Anyways, she told me last week that she’d get my academic record checked to see what would be possible, and I got this awesome email today:

Hi Joshua,

We’ve taken a look and you are eligible for the BSc (no major)…

So that’s cool. I wanted to be a York alumni, so that’s great. Also, I had the option of possibly getting into this year’s convocation, but I decided that I’d rather do it next year with all of my friends. My name won’t be in the booklet if I do that, but I don’t really care about that!

What’s the deal with cumulative exams?

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Acceptance Day – The Whole Story


Cliff notes for those who just want the raw results: I was accepted to the University of Toronto and McMaster University, and was waitlisted at Queen’s University.

As you all already know, I got into medical school on Friday! Unfortunately, I was out almost the entire day so I didn’t get the time to write much in depth. So for those of you interested, I wanted to give a little rundown on how the whole day went.

The night before, I had stayed up till about 2 am before finally just giving up and going to bed. Originally, I figured I would be full of anxiety and would end up staying up all night long – but I wasn’t as nervous was I thought I would be. In all honesty, I didn’t really feel that anxious until I woke up yesterday morning around 6 a.m.

Medical school offers are one of those things that take a really long time. The admissions process itself starts way back in September, and if you’re fortunate enough to be offered an interview, you don’t find out your status until mid-May. And if you consider that many people begin thinking about and preparing for medical school years in advance of that, and some times you end up applying multiple times, the journey can be quite long and strenuous.

I can’t really remember what I was thinking at 6 a.m. But I remember getting out of bed, and checking my email just for the heck of it. I had left my laptop on overnight with my email open so I could check right away in the morning. Of course, I didn’t expect to see anything at that time. Everything I had read and heard pointed to the emails coming no earlier than 8:45am or so. And just as expected, there was nothing there yet. So I proceeded to try and go back to sleep, planning to just wake up at 8:00am and check again. But I ended up twisting and turning in bed, genuinely nervous for the first time about this. To be honest, I was actually more nervous the hours before I got my MCAT score back – the thought of having to study for that beast of a test again is the most scary thing ever in my opinion.

In any case, around 6:45am I still couldn’t sleep, so I decided to go surf the web for a bit. Like I said, my email had been open since the night before, and I had to collect myself for a bit. And staring back at me, in bold font against a white background like any new message in Gmail, were the words:

University of Toronto – Congratulations

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So… I’m going to be a doctor!

So I was rolling around in bed at 6:45am, and decided to check my email just for the heck of it….

May 15, 2009

Dear Joshua,


On behalf of the University of Toronto Faculty of Medicine, I am delighted to extend to you an offer of admission into the first year of the Doctor of Medicine Program in 2009-10.

An offer package, including your official offer of admission, will be arriving through regular mail shortly.

Didn’t get any other emails yet (since it’s so early and I don’t think anyone was expecting something at this time), but at this point, everything else is gravy as UofT (at least at this point) is my top choice.

Thanks again to everyone for their support! Will be back later tonight or tomorrow to post all the details from the day, how I’m feeling, etc.

Less than 24 hours to go…


So I find out whether I get into medical school tomorrow. To be fair, unless I’m outright rejected, I could still get in sometime this summer off the wait list, though the longer it goes into the summer, the less likely I’ll probably get in.

I’m actually not feeling anything right now. Anxiety, nervous, excitement, etc. there really isn’t much going on inside. There’s a little bit of course, but my heart is not racing and I’m not spending the entire day thinking about it or anything.

I actually think I felt more nervous the days leading up to when interview invites were coming out. Maybe that’s because I could still control my chances then, and now I really can’t do anything but wait. Before, I thought I was going to be really anxious tonight and stay up the whole night wasting time because I couldn’t sleep, but now it looks like I’ll just go to sleep after all.

While emails will go out tomorrow morning, there’s no set time. I think most schools send out acceptances around 9-10am, and rejections/waitlists soon after, but there is still a lot of variability in terms of time within there. I think the latest I’ll leave for school is 9am, as I still have class at 9:30am, so it’s going to be funny if I suddenly get all my emails at once right when I check at school. I would actually prefer to get all my emails at once, so that I only have to experience disappointment once, or any disappointment might get offset by good news.

In any case, going to spend the rest of the day celebrating and having fun (though I’m not really sure what I’ll be celebrating if I get rejected everywhere=P). After class, my friends and I plan on getting some drinks, and then heading over to see the new Star Trek movie. Trailer for that looks pretty sick, and it’s been getting great reviews, so I’m looking forward to it.

After that, my family is planning on taking me out for dinner, obviously assuming I will be getting in tomorrow…

I’m not really sure if I’ll find the time to post tomorrow morning when I find out (I’ll obviously try and at least post something quick), hopefully I will be able to post something.

Before I sign off tonight, I just want to thank everyone who has followed along during my progress this past year. Thanks for all your support and kind words, and hopefully I can make you all proud tomorrow =)

Success: Geography Midterm Finally Completed!

It only took more than a month, but this whole Geography midterm ordeal has finally come to a close.

Perhaps it was the threat of having to do an oral exam with the professor, maybe it was the fact that security guards were stationed inside the building, or maybe whoever was pulling the fire alarm before decided to finally study.

Whatever the case, I am happy to say that I finally completed my geography midterm with no fire alarm interruptions! =)

Phew, that only took like, over a month…

Amazingly, the topic of Empires didn’t come up on the midterm this time… maybe they thought the fire alarm puller would give in as long as they took out the empire question, who knows?

So What’s Left for the Semester?

For the next three weeks, until exams start, I finally have a bit of a break. The only real bit of work I have to do is my final essay for my Philosophy of Biology course, but beyond that, it’s pretty smooth sailing until exams start on May 22. Even though that’s a pretty big paper (worth 40% of my final grade!), it does feel like heaven compared to the last few weeks.

11 More Days…

It’s also May 4 today, meaning it’s just 11 more days until I get back the first round results of my medical school applications.

I’m honestly not really feeling that much. While I do get nervous, stressed our or anxious like anyone else, I don’t really feel it until it’s really close to the actual date. I imagine I will feel significantly more nervous late next week, but as of now, I am not thinking about it much.

I think this actually explains why I procrastinate so much. For some people, they get their work done early and ahead of time because they feel the stress that much sooner. Myself, on the other hand, I don’t really feel the pressure until, say, the day before. Without feeling the pressure earlier, I end up procrastinating essays, studying, etc. I’m not using this for justification as much as for the sake of trying to find an explanation for my procrastination.

Some of you guys may have noticed that I have a link on the left menu to a blog called Medaholic.

The author of the blog is a good friend of mine, who is currently in his 1st year of medical school. We took the MCAT the same summer, and having him around to discuss MCAT related things was really helpful.

Not only does his blog provide great insight into life as a 1st year medical student, but as he is involved with his medical school’s admissions process this year, he has the unique perspective of understanding how admissions committees think. The result of this are some phenomenal articles with advice on medical school applications, and dealing with the process as a whole.

We’ve decided to do a bit of writing for each other, and he has already sent me a great article which I will post tomorrow or the day after.

He’s a super humble guy, and easily one of the smartest people I know. If you haven’t checked out Medaholic yet, I urge you to do so!

Molecular Biology and Geography Midterm Updates, TED

Well, I am finally finished the craziest part of my school year (minus exams). Just one more midterm (Geography, obviously), and two more essays, and I’m done – but at least all that stuff is spaced out now, unlike the craziness that was the last two and a half weeks. In case anyone is interested, here are the updates on Molecular Biology 2 and Geography (though they are not very happy updates)…

Molecular Biology 2

So if you recall, this is the course where I got 60% on my first midterm. I was actually pretty well prepared for the second midterm, which took place this past Monday. My friends and I had a copy of last year’s second midterm for this course, and I found it pretty easy, so I was stoked to ace this midterm and try and get my mark up.

Unfortunately, I got a rude awakening. Not only were the multiple choice questions significantly harder, but the short answer questions were quite unpleasant. While last year’s short answer questions were very straight forward, this year’s questions were pretty vague (by the way, just want to make clear that I’m not complaining that last year’s test was different, because the professor obviously has no obligation to make this year’s test like previous year’s). While pretty vague means it’s difficult to outright fail the question, it also makes it difficult to do well. It’s sort of like an essay question – a lot of it depends on what the marker thinks of your answer. And again, like the first midterm, 90%+ of what I studied was absolutely useless.

In my opinion, I think how do you do on a test should have a decent correlation to how well you prepared. It won’t be perfect of course, but I think this test was ridiculously uncorrelated, and my friends and I spent thirty minutes after the midterm in a circle pretty much agreeing on how ridiculous it was. It sucks, but oh well, I’m going to try and be optimistic.

Geography Re-Re-Re-Midterm

So it wasn’t until yesterday that the professor finally posted this note about our midterm:

For those of you who were affected by a fire alarm during the rewrite of the rewrite of midterm on Friday, April 17th, another rewrite will be administered this Friday (May 1, 2009) in your regularly scheduled tutorial.

If these rewrites are disrupted due to a fire alarm, all of the impacted students will be required to take an oral exam with the professor.

Well, not much to say about this except that I’d rather not do an oral exam, unless that meant I would just have to recite my essay instead of writing it (which I’m okay with, since that’s faster than writing). But if it’s her quizzing me on random stuff, that would not be fun. In any case, if this happens, I am sure a lot of people will complain. But I guess no point in caring too much about that unless it ends up happening. People will get screwed either way, though, I personally don’t think the oral exam is fair (but sounds like a good deterrent). My friend also brought up the possibility of just some random student from another tutorial trying to mess with our tutorial, in which case, it would be even more unfair. Regardless, it’s unfair to anyone who isn’t involved in the fire alarm stuff.

TED is Awesome

But in trying to end on a good note, here’s something cool you guys might like if you haven’t seen this year.

TED (Technology, Entertainment, Design) is an annual conference that brings together experts from around the world to present short lectures about a million different topics. Their website has an archive of their best talks, and a lot of these are just amazing. As sort of an introduction to all the cool talks there, here is one of my favourites:


Oh, and if you find any talks on that website that you find particularly interesting, let me know.

Crazy few weeks at school


The last few weeks of school have been really crazy. The craziness finally ends this Wednesday, but basically for the past two weeks, I have had either a midterm or an essay due every other day. I don’t think I have been this stressed out in the regular school term since high school.

Of course, a lot the stress is due to my procrastination habits. But even if I wasn’t such a major procrastinator, I think having something due or a test to take every other day would be pretty excruciating for any student. But for anyone interested, here are some interesting highlights:

Molecular Biology 2 =(

I wrote several weeks ago that I did really bad on this test, and that I was just hoping to pass. It’s funny how your opinion changes when you get your mark back, but view it in relation to everyone elses =)

Yes, I did pass with a straight 60%. But it felt pretty awful to hear that the class average was 71%, and that out of a class of ~57, I was in the bottom 10. I don’t think I’ve ever scored below average on a test ever, so that was not fun. It also doesn’t help that this grade is worth 25% of my final mark.

The sick thing is that because the test was out of so little (26 marks), every mistake you make gets amplified. For example, for one of the questions asked what would happen under condition A and what would happen under condition B. Well, I completely mixed the two up, and that mix up costed me at least 15% or something like that.

If I get into medical school this year, even if I end up with a 60 in this course, it probably won’t matter. It only becomes significant if I don’t get in this year and I want to apply next year. While it won’t matter for UofT (which lets you drop some of your lowest marks) or Queen’s/Western (where there are GPA cutoffs), it hurts me for McMaster and Ottawa. In fact, assuming the applicant pool doesn’t change, getting a 60 in this one course would likely result in a rejection from Ottawa next year. That’s a pretty sick feeling considering how the rest of my marks are really good. The university GPA system is pretty brutal, where one low mark can significantly impact your GPA.

I have my second 25% midterm this Monday, so hopefully that goes a lot better. I’m just trying to be optimistic that I get good news on May 15, and so I don’t have to worry about this course.

Geography Midterm Re-Re-Re-Write

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Post-McMaster Interview Thoughts

Wow, so apparently it’s been a few weeks since I last wrote on this blog. I honestly didn’t realize it had been that long – I guess it’s true that time flies by when you’re having fun. Actually, I don’t know if that’s really the case – I feel like it’s more because I have been so exhausted with starting my second semester of school. Things have been absolutely crazy and busy these past few weeks, that everything except school and the interview has sort of been pushed to the back burner.

Congrats to some of you!

Thanks to everyone who has let me know about their journey in the scholarship process. It makes me really happy that so many of you have done well, and that you think that this blog has in some way helped you. That’s one of the cool things about providing help, advice, and connecting with others – it doesn’t matter what happens to me today, or if I don’t wake up tomorrow – I will know that my life has actually impacted people positively, which means what I have done (and will do) matters. That’s a great feeling.

First Failed Test?

I think I might have actually failed my first ever university test this past Monday. I really dislike the course, but seeing as I need the credit in the event that I do get into medical school, it’s not like I can really drop it and take something else at this point. It’s a biology course that is extremely dense in terms of material, and for me personally, not particularly interesting. Because of that, the material is simply really hard to retain, and it really pained me to get through it. I guess it didn’t help that I wrote the test on three hours of sleep. And it also didn’t help that the test was only on less than 5% of what I actually studied, and there was a super ambiguous essay question worth a third of my mark. Oh well. We’ll see what happens – I think I’m going to have to work really hard to turn this course around.

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University Pet Peeves

I’d like to think that I am pretty happy with my university experience for the most part. But if I’m going to be honest, there are some every day type things or situations that annoy me a bit, and well, today I feel like talking about them! Don’t worry, the list isn’t that long, I’m not that irritable:

Med Hopefuls who Pretend to Be Your Friend

Given how competitive the medical school admissions process is, it’s not surprising to find a few med hopefuls who will do anything to get ahead: including trying to be your friend just so they can take advantage of you. I’m very fortunate that I’ve met only one or two people like that in my three years here, but even one can just be really annoying.

These are the type of people who actively search out people doing well in classes, and if there is a hint that student might be applying to medical school, this type of individual is suddenly your “best friend”. You rarely speak to them, but once you get a medical school interview, for some reason they already know. And, of course, despite the fact that you never talk to them except for the unfortunate few times you run into them in class, they try and pry interview questions out of you!

The amazing thing about these individuals is that they seem to be a bit delusional. You can give them the cold shoulder or make it obvious you are annoyed by the whole act, but they act as if they have no idea you find this irritating. It just blows my mind sometimes.

Seriously, people need to calm down. Honestly, if just the admissions process alone makes you so paranoid that you’re willing to throw your integrity and respect for your peers out the window, I’m worried about how composed you will be if someone’s life is on the line. Chill out!

Med Hopeful’s who Think They are Obligated to Know Your Marks

These people definitely aren’t as annoying as the first type, but can still push my buttons. Honestly, I’ve never been the type to ask other people their marks. You can tell me if you like, but it’s not my business, so I don’t really see any reason to ask you. Also, I would feel pretty bad if you bombed a test and I didn’t.

I’d like to think everyone else would feel the same way, but there are some people who thrive on other people’s failures. These are the people who ace a test, and of course, quickly go around asking people what they got, knowing full well they at least did equal or better. I guess it’s an ego thing, but it’s really annoying and a bit rude and unthoughtful.

Everyone else’s business isn’t your business. I mean, if it’s a close friend of mine who I like and respect, and I know isn’t out to get me or whatever, I have no problem telling him/her my mark if they really care to know. That’s cool, because we’re friends, and I know you don’t hate me or gain pleasure in seeing me do bad.

But if you’re only asking me my mark with the hope that you can tell me how much you owned me on this test, then that’s just super weird and you need to find better ways to have fun.

Professors who Don’t Post Notes / PowerPoint Slides

I really don’t understand the logic in this. There are professors who aren’t willing to post their notes or slides online. But somehow, they expect students to not only copy slides or notes down, but also pick up the information they’re saying at the same time.

But why not post your slides, so that I can give you my full attention instead of copying random bullet points down?

Fortunately, most professors don’t do it, but it just blows my mind when I have to sit through the few that do.

I’ve had one professor justify it by saying that not posting slides/notes forces students to come to class. But seriously, if your slides/notes are so good that having lecture becomes meaningless, then I think that’s saying something…

Hallway Cloggers

Sometimes you have two classes in a row, maybe far apart in location, so you’re in a rush to get from class A to class B. Unfortunately, you run into a hallway clogged by a group of people who are either standing in the middle, or walking as a group at a ridiculously slow place, as if they have no realization that there are other people who need to use the hallway or passageway.

Sometimes it’s a pack of friends, other times it’s a lovey-dovey couple in a tiny 2-person wide passageway. Please, be respectful of those around you, and recognize that every half or full hour, there are generally going to be loads of people trying to go somewhere!

That’s All?

I have a brain fart right now. I’m pretty sure I’m missing something, and if I think of it, I’ll be sure to add it later.

I hope these complaints don’t make me sound like a really angry person, because I’m not… most of the time.

Have something about school that really annoys you? I’d love to hear it!

A Little Update

Ever since my second semester at York started, I’ve found it really hard to find time writing here. I also don’t really want to ramble about how my bus ride to school was or anything, because I don’t think people would particularly care =)

I do want to say that I probably sounded more composed than I actually during my last post. For some reason, I felt pretty bad after my University of Toronto interview. It wasn’t like a did completely awful (at least I don’t think I did). But for whatever reason, I kept dwelling on the 2 or 3 questions I didn’t think I performed my best on. And when you keep thinking about just the bad stuff, it makes you feel as if the whole thing was bad. I think I was also partially upset that I couldn’t sleep the night before, as that definitely significantly affected my focus that day.

One of the things about myself has been my ability to (for the most part) do really well under pressure and step up when it counts. That didn’t really happen on Sunday, and so that’s partially why it kept eating at me. After almost a week has passed, however, I am feeling a lot better and just going to remain optimistic about my chances.

I try to come off as composed and confident whenever I write, because that’s not only what I hope you guys aspire to, but it’s something I aspire to myself – I want to be able to not worry about random stuff and lose sleep at night. Maybe some people think I am this super human for whom things always go well and I never fail – unfortunately, I am just as imperfect, obsessive, and paranoid as anyone else.

I wish I could write more, but I’m in a pretty tired mood after staying up most of Thursday night to study for a test yesterday (not surprising obviously!).

Hopefully I am awake enough to write something a bit more lengthy this week – I miss writing, but I keep feeling way too exhausted to put together anything meaningful.