I’m Back

After discussions with a friend and some personal reflection, I’ve decided to sort of revive MedHopeful, and at the very least, cross-post my entries between here and MedChatter.com. The main reason being that I don’t think the target audiences for both websites necessarily completely overlap, and this is a nice personal space for me to use without worrying about obligations/rules/etc.

So to get back into the swing of things, a story from the doctor’s office today.

I went to get a referral but also left with a splint on my pinky finger and a form to get an X-ray done tomorrow morning.

I have a bump on the distal interphalangeal joint and the tip of the pinky remains bent downward.

I hope it’s a mallet finger and not early signs of osteoarthritis… fortunately there isn’t any pain or inflammation, so I guess it’s unlikely to be osteoarthritis

Here’s a photo of a mallet finger… I’d rather not post photos of osteoarthritis (lol)

Mallet Finger