Archive | October, 2010

The Importance of Prioritizing

For those of you who have followed this blog over the past few years, you might recall my 3rd year of undergrad when York went on strike for a few months. When the strike was over and school finally resumed at the beginning of 2009, we had to make up a lot of lost time, leading to an unusual schedule. This included our Winter exam period being pushed from the normal December period to February.

However, this coincided with medical school interview season. I remember clearly how my Queen’s interview on Feb. 27, 2009, immediately preceded my Molecular Biology final exam on Feb. 28, 2009. That was actually the only exam I had to do, and I had a week to study for it. That also meant I had a week to prepare for my Queen’s interview.

What did I do? I ended up spending the entire week preparing for my Queen’s interview, and only started studying for my Molecular Biology exam the morning after my interview. I had a 100 average going into the exam, and after the exam, I ended up with an A in the course, obviously because I wasn’t well prepared for the final exam.

Same Situations, Difference Choices

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Hey everyone, please vote for SMARTS! Would love your support =)

In 2004, I started SMARTS – a for youth, by youth network within Youth Science Canada to help connect young Canadians in Gr. 7 to 12 with science and each other.

We’re currently developing a brand new SMARTS social network and online community for youth, and we’re hoping to get funding from the Aviva Community Fund. To do that, we need as many votes as possible, as the projects with the most votes get the funding.

To learn more about the SMARTS project and vote for us, please go here:

You will need to register your email to vote, and you can vote once per day for the next TEN days – I would greatly appreciate it if you could vote for SMARTS everyday.

Thanks again for all your support with MedHopeful over the past few years, and I hope you all would be willing to lend your support for helping us get funding for SMARTS!

Setting and Achieving Goals

It’s been almost a month since I last posted here – I guess that tells you how busy life has been for me. Between school, projects, initiatives, and my personal life, I haven’t had much time to just stop, think, and write. I have a lot of thoughts in my head, some of which I wish I could share if I found the time, and others that aren’t yet ready for publication. That being said, this year I have been much more productive overall – I have started studying earlier, I have time managed better, I am more productive with my side projects and initiatives, and I am much happier in my personal life compared to this same time last year.

I started setting lots of goals at the beginning of the summer, both big and small, and I started devising my action plan for achieving them. These are goals for all aspects of my life, from school to career to hobbies to personal life. Part of my increased productivity is due to my current time management practices – the way I plan to achieve my goals, and the way that affects how I structure the use of my time.

While I don’t think I’m an expert in goal setting and achieving by any means, I thought it might be useful to share some of my thoughts on the subject and the types of strategies I have been employing since a few months ago. Hopefully you guys find this helpful.

The Big Goal

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